Furnace Maintenance Service

Routine maintenance enables your HVAC system to run at peak efficiency. It can help avoid unforeseen problems and mitigate minor issues that can lead to system failure and expensive repairs. That’s why arranging routine heating system maintenance is wise, especially in the fall as you head into the heating season. Regular furnace maintenance service can help ensure you’ll continually enjoy the heating performance and extend your system’s useful life.

Signs You Need Furnace Maintenance Service

Furnace problems often display symptoms deserving attention before they grow into something more. If your furnace meets any of the following, it may need maintenance:

  • Cold air coming from vents
  • Unusual odors or sounds
  • Installed over ten years ago
  • Insufficient heat

Our trained, certified specialists can provide the heating maintenance you need to keep your furnace running strong for as long as possible. You can rest assured that our services are always backed by exceptional customer service.

Furnace Inspections

Furnace inspections allow us to check for potential issues before they become problems. Assessments can help prevent dangerous carbon monoxide leaks, remove dirt and rust that can create problems, identify worn parts that can develop into significant repairs, protect your warranty, and extend the life of your furnace. Regular inspections can also estimate when it might be time to replace your furnace before you’re surprised with a complete system failure.

Furnace Maintenance, First Response AC, Heating Orange County

Despite our long summer, winter appears to have arrived. Suddenly, the furnace is your favorite appliance in the house. When problems arise, you know it right away. Keeping your business warm combines regular maintenance and learning the symptoms of a furnace problem.

The Most Common Furnace Issues

Clogged Air Filter: A clogged air filter is one of the leading causes of breakdowns for all gas furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioners. When your filter is clogged, your furnace chokes at the intake. Straining furnaces work much harder, and moving parts are more likely to fail. Protect your furnace by regularly changing your air filter.

Poor Airflow: A clogged air filter is one of the most common causes of poor airflow. Other causes include leaks in the ductwork, mechanical problems with the air handler, and closed air vents.

Thermostat Not Working Properly: Your thermostat tells your gas furnace when to turn on and off. So, even if your heating system works great, a faulty thermostat can completely mess with your temperature levels. One way to avoid this is to replace the batteries in your thermostat to ensure it has enough power.

A modern energy-efficient gas furnace has an extremely high annual fuel utilization efficiency. These energy star-rated appliances are designed to produce heat effectively using the least amount of natural gas or propane. A properly calibrated programmable or smart thermostat can save you hundreds of dollars on unnecessary energy bills.

Strange Sounds: An old furnace may make more noise than a new furnace, but you should know the familiar hum of a well-running gas furnace. Energy-efficient furnaces offer quieter operation, so respond quickly when an unfamiliar sound is heard from within your furnace or ductwork. Gas furnaces have many moving parts running at high speeds. Even a small

Cracked Heat Exchanger:

The heat exchanger in gas furnaces transfers the energy from burning natural gas or propane into the air circulating through your furnace blower fan. Without proper maintenance, dirt, debris, and blockages can form on the heat exchanger. Over time, cracks can develop in your furnace’s heat exchanger. This is a dangerous problem because the cracks let carbon monoxide seep into your home’s air.

During gas furnace maintenance, our technicians examine and adjust heat exchangers. We test for leaks and cracks and visually inspect for signs of soot or sediment. Suppose you hear strange sounds, detect unusual smells, or otherwise suspect a fuel leak. In that case, you should contact us immediately to have your system inspected if your carbon monoxide detector is giving you warnings.

Pilot Light or Ignition Issues:

If your gas furnace is not turning on, one common explanation is that you have issues with your pilot light or electronic ignition. A single-stage gas furnace and a two-stage gas furnace feature unique designs. No matter what system you own, our technicians are familiar with all the major brands and models.

Whether you have an older system or a newer furnace design with an electronic ignition system, our team is ready to restore operations and help you save energy.

General System Malfunctioning:

When any part of your furnace stops working, it can create a domino effect that causes other parts of your system to malfunction. You might notice that your furnace is short-cycling, making noises, smelling of exhaust gasses, or not producing less heat than normal.

Benefits of Furnace Maintenance Service

Safety Improvement & Danger Detection: Furnace systems use fuel to produce heat. Regular maintenance decreases the chance of dangerous leaks and malfunctions that could put your family and home at risk.

Saving Money: Well-maintained furnaces run more efficiently and use less fuel, meaning lower utility or fuel bills.

Longer System Life: Furnaces that get regular maintenance naturally last longer. These systems aren’t cheap, so a longer-lasting system allows you to avoid purchasing a new system, saving you money in the long run. Routine tune-ups can add as much as five years to the life span of your furnace!

Greater Capacity: Operating with greater efficiency means your furnace has improved ability, making it easier to meet your home’s heating requirements.

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    Furnace Maintenance, First Response AC, Heating Orange County

    First Response
    Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

    Open 24/7, Contractor’s License #: 1038351